Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 3/12 thru 3/18/06

Congratulations to Jane Hamsher's Firedoglake partner Christy Hardin Smith, aka ReddHedd, on acquitting herself quite well on this morning's Washington Journal! I have to admit I watched it more to hear Christy talk about blogging than to hear her debate a PowerLine creepazoid (whom I muted), but it's early in the morning and I have no stomach for false equivalency. Also congrats to Guy Andrew Hall on his new job, and to Alex Greenwood for making the finals in the Crooks & Liars Murrow Contest! Now let's see if I can go through the other Liberal Coalition members' posts of interest from this past week with Bloglines' formatting skewed...

• Andante of Collective Sigh presents her laundry list for 2008 Presidential hopefuls.

All your base are belong to us! If we're the base of the Democratic Party (and I don't think we are, not so's they'd notice at least - most of them are too busy still suckling the teat of the conservative Republican-lite DLC to notice what their actual constituency is saying) then, asks Jane Hamsher, how we can we make it any clearer what positions they need to support, and support strongly, in order to respond to our concerns? Steve Gilliard of The News Blog thinks it's that they don't trust their own hearts. Echidne of the Snakes despairs of the Dems as well (as so many liberal bloggers have this past week), noting, "How do you like them choices: either Attila the Hun or someone cowering in the corner, waiting, waiting." Nope, don't like 'em at all...

• Both NTodd Pritsky from Dohiyi Mir and Kathy Kattenburg at Liberty Street have zeroed in on Jennifer Loven's AP article about Bush arguing with strawmen during his speeches. It doesn't come as a surprise at all that this fellow essentially talks to (and has arguments with) himself; that's what's behind the Graydon Carter observation as well, isn't it, that "He speaks to the audience as if they're idiots. I think the reason he does that is because that's the way these issues were explained to him." Norbizness of Happy Furry Puppy Story Time figures that as long as Bush is actually talking to himself, why not put words in his mouth more relevant to what's actually going on (not to mention more amusing)?

• Steve Gilliard is still the only blogger I read who's critiquing the Dutch. Perhaps that's because he wasn't one of those who went on the Amsterdam junket. He also has a fascinating article about transracial adoption.

• Bryant Gries at Make Me A Commentator!! highly doubts that rock and roll is dead. I agree; since Air America screwed over Marc Maron and I've switched to FM music stations for my commute, much of the new music I'm hearing is just as good as the old stuff. Bryant also shakes his head at conservative pundits who go out of their way in refusing to understand the difference between reality and metaphor.

• A couple great Estrogen Month posts from Echidne - one about harems and one about the prominence of women in the progressive media (as with other areas, we're actually all over the place, but as long as "prominence" is male-defined and the media of whatever political stripe is owned by men, well, you know the rest).

• Jeff at Speedkill takes a look at Christian blasphemy, Canadian style.

• John at archy has little patience for the latest round of "we've found Noah's Ark!" Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof has had it with the HHS folks who suggest stocking up on canned tuna will help in a pandemic, in the same way duct tape helped stave off anthrax. And upyernoz at rubber hose is none too thrilled with the AAA, which opposes PA's clean vehicles program and apparently has quite the anti-environmental history. And Mike at Left is Right is beyond disgusted with the results of the latest Congressional report card on the Bush Administration.

• Lastly, Eryk at And Then... flips us the bird. But, you know, in a good way.