Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 2/26 thru 3/4/06

Ick, still coughing, albeit a little less. I think the energy-depleting illness is finally leaving. Just in time for spring? Anyway, way behind in bloggy love, but slogging through as best I can, so here are the Liberal Coalition members' posts that caught my eye this past week. Ladies first, as it's Estrogen Month:

• Andante at Collective Sigh also celebrates the coming spring, doing a little shag dancing.

• Echidne of the Snakes can't figure out John Tierney, who sounds like some misogynist pundit so I'm glad I have no idea who he is, nor do I wish to know. I'm still astounded so many thinking lefties pay attention to so many useless rightie idiots when I can't even get through my regular blogroll of thinking lefties!

• Tena at First Draft has little tolerance for anti-choicers who have little tolerance for lives they find "icky."

• Jane Hamsher at firedoglake has lots of goodies this past week: she skewers Joe Klein, another apparently right-leaning pundit about whom I know and care nothing; she talks about Arianna Huffington's expose about Tucker Carlson's lack of full disclosure (now him I've heard of, but I still don't care); and she notices another dangerous Republican meme where pots are essentially calling kettles black.

• Maru Soze of WTF Is It Now?? reports on another cool archaelogical discovery, this time in Ireland.

• Natalie Davis at All Facts and Opinions scores an interview with Chuck Pennacchio, a progressive candidate running for the US Senate from the state of PA and a man with a few too many consonants in his surname if you ask me.

• Trish the Countess examines the biology of love. I'm a sucker for science shows like that too. Trish also links to a page that sounds like What If The Amazing Randi Took Star Wars Too Seriously?

Oh, there are some guys in the LibCoal as well, here's what's up with a few of them:

• Chris "Lefty" Brown has a new site; do bookmark it!

• The Farmer at farm runoff has an interesting Estrogen Month post that touches for some reason on Marge Simpson. I may not have understood it all but I'm grateful for the White Rabbit quote because I never knew the lyrics were "sloppy dead"...

• Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof celebrates St. David's Day with an English-to-Welsh translator. My contribution was "Anerchiadau , wankers! Cawn 'r 'n waedlyd FA Chwpan eleni!" (That's "Greetings, wankers! We have the bloody FA Cup this year!") because, well, we're lucky to have a hotel room for the Expo in Bristol this year due to Cardiff being right over the river and the FA Cup being the same weekend as the con...

• John at archy has more on mammoths and The Land Beyond, because you can never have too much of either.

• Steve Gilliard at The News Blog, who seems to despise everything this week (baseball, bah! Oscars, feh!) passes along an interesting article comparing the arrogant, overhyped Bode Miller to the arrogant, overprivileged George Bush.

• Lastly, I wonder if I just used "lastly" correctly, as Norbizness at Happy Furry Puppy Story Time runs down some grammatical faux pas (including a few that have grated at me for years) and Pythonizes (oh no, I'm verbing again!) the South Dakota decision. Say no more!

So I shall say no more.