Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hey Mom and Dad, A Little Help Here!

I see the "visited states" game is making the rounds again, so now that Blogger is (fingers crossed) fixed, I refer folks to this post from two years ago, wherein I mapped my visited US states, UK counties, countries in the world and even planets in the solar system (as far as I know I've only visited Earth). As I mentioned at the time, however, there are a number of states not marked in red below because I visited them with my parents when they drove cross-country over 47 years ago and I don't remember any of that because I was one year old. So, Mom and Dad, here's my visited-states map again:

Which other states should I be marking in red as having visited?

P.S. I love what Anne Zook did with this map on her site, making it a map of countries whose residents visited her blog...