Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Day Late...

...but still worthwhile reading. Hats off to all these estrogen-bearers!

Avedon Carol on the latest volley in the culture wars about how many progressives are falling for the conservative meme about how the left is godless. You know, the side that actually strives to practice what the esteemed prophets preached, throw out the hypocrites and mammonites, etc.

Barbara O'Brien on our napping yet overworked administration - a great comparison between things said five years ago and today.

Nona Williams is running an interesting contest - the best name-based neologism wins a Flying Spaghetti Monster car emblem! I'd say something like Holy (Wholly) Stoned to describe Sharon Stone's press conference behavior in Israel but that's pretty lame so I'll leave it to the experts.

Amanda has some great posts up - on the words of a woman punching strawfeminists about sex; the difficulty of running a feminist blog that attracts trolls (not a problem for me - as I see it, deleting trollish comments from a blog you run is not a free speech issue at all, and the more these idiots cry "censorship" the more they show that they have no clue as to what censorship actually means); preaching about the knee-jerk anti-religious left, tongue firmly in the other cheek she's just turned; and a terrific thoughtful piece about how forced-childbirth advocates are only following "natural" orders. Ya wohl!

Go wish Trish Wilson a belated happy birthday. And send some good vibes in Susie's direction.