First, some pictures to whet your appetite:

Preparation (otherwise known as "mis en place") for making my guacamole deviled eggs.

The final product, filled with eggy goodness!

And that's my keema matar, still in the pan.
And now the announcement: Robin drew and submitted line drawings from the first two photos above, and I provided the essay and accompanying recipes, for the just-out And They Cook, Too: A Blogger Fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders, edited by Ginger Mayerson and Kathy Flake and featuring contributions from Tild~ (who did the cover), Kathy Pearlman, Pam Spaulding, Lindsay Beyerstein, CE Petro, NTodd Pritsky, Jeanne d'Arc, Wayne at PSoTD, Trish Wilson, Linkmeister, and three people with whom I've had the pleasure of dining - Jenonymous, Julia, MadKane - as well as a number of folks whose recipes and blogs I look forward to discovering. (Alas, I don't see Melanie Mattson's name anywhere in the TOC I'm currently perusing, but please, folks, go to her blog for some of the best liberal politics + recipes anywhere!) Please consider purchasing a copy, it's for a good cause and I'm sure the recipes are yummy!

Preparation (otherwise known as "mis en place") for making my guacamole deviled eggs.

The final product, filled with eggy goodness!

And that's my keema matar, still in the pan.

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