Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 24, 2006

46 Days Until Opening Day

Ah, ain't it the truth. That was the sign atop Yankee Stadium this evening as our bus took us back home from a little DC Comics pub gathering (and here I am obligated to remind Sean Carolan about next Thursday's Firesign chat, at which I might even show up). I don't even feel spring in my step, much less in the air. Bloody cold out there this evening. Hope I didn't relapse. I feel pretty horrid, and just spent way too long in the "reading room," but the illness seems like it's mostly stuck in the throat and chest now, so I've been sucking down lemons and staying far away from alcohol intake. Need to replenish my lemon supply tomorrow morning, then take another leisurely bus ride into midtown and transfer for the local to the Javits Center. Don't expect to see us there until at least 1 PM.