Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 12/25 thru 12/31/05

Another Liberal Coalition member has gone on hiatus, so I've updated my sidebar's blogroll again. If enough LC members go to our mailing list and vote, we might have a new member by this time next week. Whatever happens, I'm glad we have so much activity and so many good posts every week! I'm also glad the dot symbol works in my blog editing window so I don't have to use list coding.

• Starting off with a silly site, and why not, Bora at Science and Politics likes directs us to JesusPets.

• Bryant celebrates a pundit who celebrates blogging. And whew, Space Lobster is okay after all!

• Echidne passes along the startling discovery by a delusional author that men aren't from Mars but from Skull Island, and that if all were correct with that author's fantasy world Frank 'n' Furter wouldn't be the only one who wanted to be Fay Wray.

• Guy Andrew Hall proves that the old jokes are the best ones.

• Michael has some terrific and thorough musings on 2005, and reaches back further into the past to remind us of century-old injustices.

• Steve Gilliard has been continuing his perceptive perspectives after the transit strike - both TWU wins major victory and Three days in December are must-reads - and takes Jeff Jacoby to task for the content of his (and Michael Steele's) character.

• Norbizness finally shows his face during his periodical "The Left Is" Google search.

• Lastly, if you're not on NTodd's political compass why not join in?

Once again, I highly recommend the Top Ten approach to blogarounds, this has taken me less than half an hour to write!