Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 1/22 thru 1/28/06

Our featured Liberal Coalition member this week is Big Media Jane, as Jane Hamsher has been all over the place: co-hosting the Washington Post online chat; participating in a conference call with Ted Kennedy, among others; and of course her stint with guest host Brad Friedman last night on the Young Turks blogcast filibuster. Jane continues to be one of the best informed bloggers out there, and a real treasure.

It's also been a week of changes for other LC members. All due sympathies go out to NTodd on his and Stef's parting of the ways, and to Michael at Musing's Musings on the passing of his grandmother, whom he fondly remembers here. Congratulations to Guy Andrew Hall on securing gainful employment. And of course, welcome back to Invisible Librarian Keith Kisser, whose RSS feed isn't yet turned on but he's doubtless working on it.

Here's what else caught my eye this week from LC member blogs:

• Amy types pretty well when she's drunk! And it was giddy to read, too.

• Echidne's gender-gap-in-wages series has wrapped, and she's a bit concerned about this US Secret Service Uniformed Division thing, although it's since been pointed out that this PATRIOT Act proposal is just an expansion of a force already in place (the former Executive Protection Service).

• Jeff at Speedkill reports on a bit of a religious disagreement going on in India.

• John at archy talks about a creepy high school ethnicity class that apparently thinks it's a good idea to teach object lessons during test-taking, rather than as an experiment agreed upon by all class members during regular lessons.

• Kathy Kattenberg at Liberty Street is less than impressed with Lucia Pinochet.

• Over at bloggg, Moi is mostly Mozart.

• Steve Gilliard celebrates the Boondocks Return of the King episode, calling it "a brutal take on our celebrity driven culture and how trivial many black people have become."

• Norbizness covers a Presidential town hall meeting.

• And Trish Wilson finds the G-spot! Um, in a manner of speaking. I'm still getting over dealing with seeing the words "G-spot" and "Whipple" in the same article.