Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 12/4 thru 12/10/05

Two weeks in a row, despite the hospitalization - I definitely think this type of blogaround is workable, and cannot recommend it highly enough to my fellow Liberal Coalition members. Here's what stood out for me in their blogs this past week:

Bryant at Make Me A Commentator! weighs in on The Shark Attack War on Christmas, suggesting that when one actually gets beyond the sensationalist headlines from lazy reporters one usually finds there's no war at all (kind of the opposite of the sorry reportage by the American media on the real war going on). I can relate - Robin just showed me this page from the Daily Mail which purports to collect anecdotal examples of "Christmas killjoys," but when you click on and read the actual stories linked to from the headers you find none of them are about dissing Christmas after all, they're really about annoying neighbors or overzealous administrators who were immediately disciplined for excesses. In other words, as with so many other modern media manipulations, there's no "there" there.

Charles2 at the Fulcrum misses the days when we were pretty damn sure we weren't the bad guys, but part of me wonders if those days ever really existed.

Chris "Lefty" Brown is nostalgic for the dream time when he was a kid and could fly. I still have flying dreams, but mostly when I can manage to dream lucidly, and even then my main matter-of-fact dream power nowadays seems to be telekinesis.

Leah at Corrente, Michael at Musing's Musings and Mustang Bobby all weigh in on Hillary Clinton's disappointing support of a Shark Attack flag-burning amendment.

Kathy at Liberty Street reports that other Flight 924 passengers have said they never once heard the "B" word from bipolar Rigoberto Alpizar at all - in fact, not hearing it from anyone except FBI folks after Alpizar was shot dead by air marshals. Her link didn't actually take me to that story, though, so I found another one here at the Times Online.

Maru at WTF Is It Now?? has been keeping track of dumb things that President Bush has said this past year.

Natalie at All Facts and Opinions has a lovely remembrance of John Lennon these 25 years onward. Speaking of which, Keith at The Invisible Library takes the long view and gives us a positive outlook, which goodness knows I need.