Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Grater Good

Whilst Robin napped yesterday around sundown, I lit the candles for the second night of Chanukah and made the latkes. We'd gone out earlier and I was able to find both salt-free bread crumbs (although, if they're salt-free, how come the ingredients list says 5% sodium?) and salt substitute, which both went into the recipe. Grated six medium potatoes and two carrots so I spared my poor fingers the onion and used the chopper on that. Came out pretty well!

I tried to arrange them in the shape of a Mogen David (six-pointed Jewish star), but I don't think I did too well.

Why does the second batch always come out looking not as good than the first? Still tasted great though! As in previous years, I garnished with both sour cream and apple sauce, but I think the sour cream tasted better.