Well, she observed sarcastically, I'm certainly starting off my 49th year of living on the right foot, or hand as the case may be - only I could get a paper cut from a birthday card. Le sigh. Anyway, the workday was far less than fun than I'd hoped (I think the birthday pizza combined with polyurethane fumes to give me a fairly queasy stomach all afternoon) but I got a lot done at the office anyway, with which my boss seemed pleased, and Robin took me out to dinner and my mommy and daddy called me and all your lovely wishes are just grand thank you all so much, so overall it wasn't a bad way to start off our celebratory week. On to our anniversary on Sunday! Oh yes, and we returned from dinner to find the latest As Time Goes By reunion show airing in between PBS pledge breaks, so we caught a bit of that whilst the cats, um, were cats:

Dame Amy meets Dame Judi...

...while Lord Datsa just kinda, um, hangs out.
Oh, and I'm totally jealous of Dexter Fong, who announced on last night's Firesign chat that he will be attending the Moscow Cat Theatre tomorrow. I swear, this website is so cool it's Gaiman-worthy...

Dame Amy meets Dame Judi...

...while Lord Datsa just kinda, um, hangs out.
Oh, and I'm totally jealous of Dexter Fong, who announced on last night's Firesign chat that he will be attending the Moscow Cat Theatre tomorrow. I swear, this website is so cool it's Gaiman-worthy...
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