Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

All Hail the Untersexual!

Yeah, I've decided that I'm going to be an untersexual. All the other stupid made-up compound words ending in "-sexual" seem to be arbitrarily assigned to men anyway.

The move, by the way, seemed to go very well, at least as far as my office was concerned. My coworker stayed late to work with our IT contractor on getting everyone networked and online again, but other than that we're good to go. And nobody making as comparatively little as I do (good for an exec secretary salary, low when you also throw in personal assistant work and property management work and constant emotional sturm und drang) has ever had an office as huge as I do, so I'm a relatively happy camper in that one respect. Still not giving up looking, though. :)