Bérubéfest 3: The Quest for Pizza
Yes, another NY blogger gathering in Julia's beautiful backyard, which means another excuse for me to take pictures of some of your favorite bloggers! But first, berries!

Julia has a yellow raspberry bush, which appears to yield pinkish berries. (I'd say "peach colored" but I don't want to mix fruity metaphors...) I love raspberries, and if I ever have a yard of my own I want a cutting from this bush. Raspberries are voracious and will take over just about anything else, so it's not as if I (with my "black thumb of death") would even have to tend it!

We were the first guests to arrive, but thank goodness Barb of Mahablog (shown here with Robin) wasn't far behind. I keep trying to be fashionably late, but I have this punctuality thing I haven't worked out yet... and I've gotten very good at driving to Julia's place. Barb and Rob had a nice discussion about British food and such, as she'd just gotten back from a holiday in Wales.

Roy Edroso has the nicest smile, doesn't he? And a wicked sense of humor, which you know if you're a regular Alicublog reader.

The guest of honor, Michael Bérubé, and Jen of The News Blog. An even nicer shot of Jen appears below. We had some great conversations, particularly about food blogging!

Here's Roy again, talking with MadKane and her husband Mark. Somewhere in the background, I would imagine, is Ann aka Iocaste of Fantasy Life, who preferred her picture not be put online but I wanted to plug her blog anyway.

Madeleine Begun Kane is one of the most photogenic people I know, and her birthday is tomorrow so everyone run over to her blog and wish her a happy birthday! Like my longtime friend Leah, Mad had the now-rotten luck to be born on September 11, and as with Leah, my comfort level with her is really high and we fell to talking right away. We share klutz karma too, did I mention that? Robin says that we get along so well because Mad is the yin to my yin. Oh, and she taped a lot of our voices for her audioblog, so stay tuned to a future MadKane podcast to hear it all! (My contribution was to suggest an anatomical impossibility to our Vice President and then ask if I was famous yet, like Dr. Ben Marble. You know, on the Internet everyone is famous for 15 seconds...)

This is that "even nicer" picture of Jen I promised. In the background are Seth "Talking Dog" Farber and his wife; even nicer pictures of the Farbers and their Loquacious Pup below!

Here you go, Seth on the right and Scott Lemieux of Lawyers, Guns and Money on the left.

And you can't have a do at Julia's without kid pictures! Here's the Loquacious Pup and Her Majesty (lovely child of Julia and Beleaguered Husband), mugging for the camera as usual!

And here's Mrs. Talking Dog and one of Julia's neighbors. Julia has the best neighbors, I really want to move into her neighborhood!!

We decided to take off just about 9, when who should arrive but Steve Gilliard, also of The News Blog?! I'm really glad I finally met him, albeit too briefly; I've been hoping to meet him for, oh, about two years now...

I spotted a praying mantis on our steps when we got home, and hey, since I had a camera out anyway...
Thanks again to Julia for her wonderful hostessing; as usual, I had a ball!
Yes, another NY blogger gathering in Julia's beautiful backyard, which means another excuse for me to take pictures of some of your favorite bloggers! But first, berries!

Julia has a yellow raspberry bush, which appears to yield pinkish berries. (I'd say "peach colored" but I don't want to mix fruity metaphors...) I love raspberries, and if I ever have a yard of my own I want a cutting from this bush. Raspberries are voracious and will take over just about anything else, so it's not as if I (with my "black thumb of death") would even have to tend it!

We were the first guests to arrive, but thank goodness Barb of Mahablog (shown here with Robin) wasn't far behind. I keep trying to be fashionably late, but I have this punctuality thing I haven't worked out yet... and I've gotten very good at driving to Julia's place. Barb and Rob had a nice discussion about British food and such, as she'd just gotten back from a holiday in Wales.

Roy Edroso has the nicest smile, doesn't he? And a wicked sense of humor, which you know if you're a regular Alicublog reader.

The guest of honor, Michael Bérubé, and Jen of The News Blog. An even nicer shot of Jen appears below. We had some great conversations, particularly about food blogging!

Here's Roy again, talking with MadKane and her husband Mark. Somewhere in the background, I would imagine, is Ann aka Iocaste of Fantasy Life, who preferred her picture not be put online but I wanted to plug her blog anyway.

Madeleine Begun Kane is one of the most photogenic people I know, and her birthday is tomorrow so everyone run over to her blog and wish her a happy birthday! Like my longtime friend Leah, Mad had the now-rotten luck to be born on September 11, and as with Leah, my comfort level with her is really high and we fell to talking right away. We share klutz karma too, did I mention that? Robin says that we get along so well because Mad is the yin to my yin. Oh, and she taped a lot of our voices for her audioblog, so stay tuned to a future MadKane podcast to hear it all! (My contribution was to suggest an anatomical impossibility to our Vice President and then ask if I was famous yet, like Dr. Ben Marble. You know, on the Internet everyone is famous for 15 seconds...)

This is that "even nicer" picture of Jen I promised. In the background are Seth "Talking Dog" Farber and his wife; even nicer pictures of the Farbers and their Loquacious Pup below!

Here you go, Seth on the right and Scott Lemieux of Lawyers, Guns and Money on the left.

And you can't have a do at Julia's without kid pictures! Here's the Loquacious Pup and Her Majesty (lovely child of Julia and Beleaguered Husband), mugging for the camera as usual!

And here's Mrs. Talking Dog and one of Julia's neighbors. Julia has the best neighbors, I really want to move into her neighborhood!!

We decided to take off just about 9, when who should arrive but Steve Gilliard, also of The News Blog?! I'm really glad I finally met him, albeit too briefly; I've been hoping to meet him for, oh, about two years now...

I spotted a praying mantis on our steps when we got home, and hey, since I had a camera out anyway...
Thanks again to Julia for her wonderful hostessing; as usual, I had a ball!
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