Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Shameless Soulmate Promotion

What the heck, as long as things have livened up a bit with my "there's a difference between being smart and putting on airs about it" posts, I figure I've gotten a curious new reader or two, so I might as well remind both various and sundry that Robin Riggs is one of the bestest comic book artists around (one of the reasons I married him). Here's a story we did together (I should explain that, despite the subsequent surname change in the credits, I actually wrote it before I "met" him, which kinda makes it a little, um, weirder), and you can peruse and purchase original art pages from him here. And hey, if you're a comic fan in SoCal, why not visit Isotope and suggest a Robin Riggs toilet seat lid be considered for their museum collection? (Via BoingBoing)