Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Respecting the Dead

Sometimes the most appropriate reaction to death is silence. I had nothing to add to the many well-written blogosphere remembrances of Robin Cook, Peter Jennings and so forth (not to mention sparse blogging time), so I kept to myself my sadness over their passings.

Sometimes the most appropriate reaction is anger, particularly if you feel the death in question was needless and preventable. Cindy Sheehan's been camping out in Crawford, waiting for Vacation Boy to actually communicate with her this time around about why her son died in Iraq. Has anyone asked why, if she's not a "threat to national security" now, she will suddenly become one on Thursday? Or is that considered rhetorical or disrespectful?

Then there are those who go for the most inappropriate reaction possible to a death, like Fred "Cryptkeeper" Phelps. Julia has the details. Of course, it's not the first time he's pulled a death-related stunt like this. Full of Christ's compassion, that one.