Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Cool Posts

Well, only 500 or so posts to go, all in News+Views Guys, before I'm caught up in blog-skimming. (The finances are done, but I opted for TV over sleep because TCM is airing Judy Garland musicals all afternoon...) I enjoyed a lot of what I read, but wanted to especially note the following so I can uncheck that "Keep New" button on Bloglines:

  • The lefty blogosphere seems abuzz over Presidential radio address script, which I believe is too funny not to be an immediate Koufax entrant.
  • I think Steve Giliard makes an excellent point about email spam. To me it's no different than snail mail solicitations. I may admire the politicians and activists who send me the stuff, and agree with their positions on matters of importance, but that doesn't somehow remove it from the category of junk mail. Moreover, it usually means they want money from me, and I don't like to be reminded that I, like many others on a budget, can't afford to put my money where my mouth is. I don't react well to people who make me feel guilty over something that's fairly beyond my control.
  • Your go-to guy for any sensible posts dealing with reality versus superstition is, of course, PZ Myers, who has a couple good ones, about the wonder of our role as human beings in a "vast and complicated universe" that superstitious fanatics cannot begin to grasp, and one reminding us that the difference between science and religion doesn't necessarily make them incompatible, it merely makes them different subjects. On the same topic, I'm very grateful to Melissa for explaining what a scientific theory (as opposed to, say, a philosophical theory) actually is, because I get that mixed up also.
  • I agree with Lis, we all need more ink monkeys. And ink pirates. After all, you can't go wrong with pirates and monkeys (I read that somewhere)...
  • Cool, Michael Palin has a travel site. Via BoingBoing.

    That's it for now. Back to Judy and Marjorie Main and Margaret O'Brien...