Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ms. Litella Speaks

What's all this I hear about our President making a speech this evening to nominate Edith Bunker for the Supreme Court? Why, I think that's just a splendid idea! I may have had my differences with the way he does things, goodness knows, but Edith, why, who wouldn't love that woman? She's so patient with Archie and Meathead and that adorable little Gloria, what a saint! And such a lovely smile! I should think anyone with a case before the Court would only have to look at that smile and they'd melt like little chocolate bon-bons, yes they would! And furthermore, I-- what? Clement? Hollan Jones? Ohhhh, that's very different... Never mind! Update: Ms. Litella is skeptical about the actual choice of nominee.