Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Social Notes

Ah, spring. When my social life starts taking off again now that I'm over the cough/flu thingy (now if only my allergies abated). Off to a blogger dinner gathering Thursday night in Brooklyn, so I've taken Friday off 'cause I imagine I'll be pretty exhausted and I have lots of vacation days piled up (but I'm still hoping for a job interview or two that afternoon). Then on Sunday, I'm very psyched because I and a few other select local bloggers will be attending a matinee of Little Women and discussing the show afterwards. (That means I'll be attempting to reread the book on Saturday if I can locate it.) Then after that a bunch of us will very likely head down to Blog Sheroes again (Madame X once more, at 94 West Houston St; topic of discussion: "Tag! You're It: Niche Blogs and Marketing Your Passion" so I'll probably talk comics). I was thinking about resting on Saturday but I really need to take the car in for an oil change. Eh, rest is overrated anyway, innit?