Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, May 06, 2005

On Blogrolling

What she said. (Although I apologize that I haven't the time at present to read through the 70-plus comment section which follows the post.) I think anyone who came here during Estrogen Month ought to acknowledge the value of blogrolls, if the blogger calls attention to them with enough regularity (and maintains them!), as I know for a fact that a lot of folks added many new blogs to their reading based on looking through my sidebar blogroll and my "secondary blogrolls" on Bloglines. And while I've been blogging for going on three years, my memory's still good enough to remember, in my pre-RSS days, how I sought out most of the blogs I first put on my blogroll - through others' rolls, not through linking and cross-referencing within posts.