Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, May 09, 2005

Maintenance Notes

Susie Madrak's Suburban Guerrilla has a new address; so noted in the News+Views section of my sidebar blogroll. Kaja Foglio's Diary of a Cartoon Girl has also moved, prompting me to realize that I had her on my regular Bloglines subs but had neglected to put her on the sidebar; happens sometimes, and is fixed now (she's under Kultcha). Also, I've added Des of GreatScat! to the aforementioned blogroll 'cause I felt like it and I like her a lot, she brings much enthusiasm to our comments sections. If you see any outdated blogs on the sidebar (i.e., blogs that haven't had any new entries in at least two months) please let me know; thanks!