Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Liberal Coalition Blogaround

Every now and then I remind myself that I'm in the Liberal Coalition and it's been way too long since I've done a blogaround (i.e., plug what's going on in all their blogs):

Alex Greenwood repros an interview between Amy Goodman and Greg Palast. Sooner Thought seems to do nothing but reprinting presumably copyrighted material; I wish they'd do more original writing there. If I wanted to read stuff other people have done, I'd click on a link. (Update: Alex assures me he has permission to copy this material, and presumably other stuff that he reproes verbatim; that his time is limited; and that his other readers don't mind at al. I still stand by my desire to see more original writing from him, as I think his voice is unique and deserves to be heard more. When my time is limited, I tend to refrain from blogging.)

Amy reminds us that yesterday was Arbor Day. Love the graphic!

Andante's puppies are very cute indeed.

Bryant Gries doesn't mention me in his LC blogaround, but I haven't been posting a lot so I can't blame him. He also talks about black superheroes, but not as much as Rich Watson does in his blog Glyphs.

Charles2 regrets his skepticism. I don't; I remain highly suspicious of official US stories about pretty much everything nowadays.

One of Chris Brown's Friday questions is, "What gets you more riled up: the cost of gas, the cost of concert tickets, or the death of Blue Beetle?" None of the above, I'll have to admit; I don't go to concerts any more, I still think Americans pay less for gas than we should, and I happen to think Countdown to Infinite Whatsis was pretty well-written, so there you are.

At Corrente, Riggsveda reports on how we can't afford civil rights any more.

Echidne is concerned about Concerned Women for America.

Edwardpig passes on a little-mentioned sidebar about the Saudi prince's recent hand-holding visit to Bandar Bush.

Holden at First Draft appreciates captioning as much as the next person, but I miss thought balloons in superhero comics.

Guy Hall's girlfriend is home to recuperate - yay!!

Jeff at Speedkill seems apoplectic over today's young folks' wacky views on religion.

Jesse at In Search of Telford discusses Swiss fortifications and the Democrats.

John McKay at archy is totally not shocked that US torturers are caught lying as well.

Jude Camwell at Iddybud isn't the only one pissed about the way the radical right wants to define their Dominionist version of Christianity as the only acceptable one.

Keith at Invisible Library wonders where the utopian dream went awry. But Bullwinkle, that trick never works!

Maru Soze goes to Jeb!Land - 'nuff said.

I'm really looking forward to MercuryX23's analysis of the Ten Commandments and how they should be interpreted against a modern backdrop. So far he's only tackled the first.

Michael at Musing's Musings posts his Random Ten, a "meme" that I totally can't get into not having an iPod (nor really paying attention to any music past 1985 or so).

Mike at Left is Right obviously thinks that, with Jane Fonda's autobiography out, we ought to give her first second husband equal time, and I agree. (Yeah yeah, I forgot Roger Vadim was prior to Tom Hayden, so sue me...)

Moi at Bloggg has been doing some great publicity for autism-related events.

Mustang Bobby chronicles cable news shows' disappointment in a story where all's well that ends well, except in a bit of a denoument.

Norbizness' Weekly Recap is not to be missed by anyone who thinks Variety is a boring old fuddy-duddy rag.

NTodd Pritsky is easily blinkered by some headlines.

Rivka's new daughter is even cuter than Andante's puppies. Wait, that didn't come out right...

Scott at Gamer's Nook is doing the Revlon Run/Walk for Women today.

The Scrutiny Hooligans have also taken to swiping of articles, lengthy quotes from other blog posts, and even poems rather than just links to same, which is weird because they do often have original writing. What's up with that, guys?

Now, obviously this means I much prefer original writing in blogs to wholesale, verbatim copying of others' words, but on the other hand originality does have its limits elsewhere. For instance, Steve Bates doesn't like the Republican rewriting of the historical record at all, and I have to agree with him there.

Steve Gilliard shreds the whole Republican Robin Hood mythos into little tiny pieces.

T. Rex reminds us that today's Republicans are far more wasteful than yesterday's Democrats.

Trish Wilson offers catblogging both real and pixillated.

Upyernoz is Boston-bound; good time of year for it!

Last but not least, Wanda gives us more puppies. Puppies, I tell you! You can't go wrong with puppies! Hey, what did I just step in?