Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, April 11, 2005

Creative Writing Alerts

To all of you who have more leisure time than me, and an inclination to post your fiction writing on someone else's blog rather than your own, there are two interesting bits floating about:

T. Rex proposes
A group of us should get together and create our own online magazine for the purpose of publishing our fiction, poetry, drama and other literary works. Theoretically, we would push it in the direction of becoming a legitimate publication that amateur writers would submit stuff to and the like, maybe we'd even appear in literary market and things like that. We could also include articles and essays on literature, reviews, and stuff about getting published or the art of writing. We would run the show and we could take advantage of something we're all familiar with, blogging software, in order to organize and run the site
Click here for more details.

And Michele Agnew has issued the Fairy-Tale Challenge, which has been ably met by first entrant Mamacita, whose short bit I liked a lot.