Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, February 28, 2005

Maintenance Notes

Thanks to Evan Derkacz for blogrolling me on Peek, AlterNet's blog about blogs - I've long enjoyed reading (or, lately with my lack of leisure time, skimming) AlterNet, and it's a real privilege. Also, just a reminder that tomorrow begins Estrogen Month/Women Bloggers Month here at Pen-Elayne, where you get a chance to look through the "Gals in Waiting" section atop my Bloglines subscriptions and voice your opinions as to which gals should move onto my regular reading list. There are at least 100 names in my GIW section so obviously I can't add them all, but I've asterisked about half of them as likelier to "move up" sooner rather than later. And at the same time let this be an estrogen-issued challenge to those testosterone-laden bloggers out there to consider these women for their blogrolls as well. See you tomorrow, the on-again spottiness of Blogger permitting!