Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 25, 2005

Going to the Dogs

My parents read my blog on occasion, although my Mom says she skips over all the parts that don't interest her (by which I think she means "everything besides the pictures of your cats"), so this one's for Dad. Via Kevin at The American Street, who just announced the first annual awarding of his Perranoski Prizes, I found a blog by a woman who calls herself Soj and lives in Romania. The blog's name is Flogging the Simian, and the post that really caught my eye involves feral dogs roaming the streets of the country. The post also discusses her monthly living expenses, which I'll warrant are a good deal different than when my Dad lived there, and apparently she's quit her job to blog full-time and is living off her readers' donations. Maybe you can do that in Bucharest (I can only assume that's the city in which she lives, as she doesn't say), but I can't see it happening with too many folks here...