Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Blast from the Past

This is one reason why I've never had much desire to look up old high school and college friends, Bill Marcinko excepted. When Jill passed along this article I'm sure she never envisaged someone reading it going, over and over, "hey wait, I used to know this woman!" Now if only I could remember specifically from where I knew her...

Update #1: Robin displays his superior reading comprehension by opining it's doubtless from my Uncle Floyd fandom days, out of which grew INSIDE JOKE, as Dawn and I still share an affinity for much of the same comedy even though we seem to be at opposite ends politically. So, as Steve opines in the comments, she probably did show up at one of our IJ parties...

Update #2 (2/10): Dawn e-mails back briefly to also confirm that INSIDE JOKE was the first place she was ever published, at the tender age of 13... it'll be interesting to see if we can pick up our friendship from such opposite ends of the political spectrum, so stay tuned!