Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Peace Is Bad

So say the Dominionists. Fascinating analysis by Simbaud, who cites Fred Clark's continuing analysis of the Left Behind series, who notes that these nutjobs "are convinced that the Antichrist will be a man of peace. And since they believe that the most important thing for Christians to do is to be on the lookout against the Antichrist, and vigilantly opposed to his evil ways, they believe that Christians must oppose anyone who speaks of, pursues, or tries to make, peace." Remember, this is the supposed core constituency of the people currently running this country; they have the President's ear. And they have used their tortured logic to come out on the very opposite side of the Prince of Peace Himself (after all, it's obviously not that far a leap from "peace is bad" to "war is good"). How on earth can these Dominionists still call themselves Christians if they're this utterly opposed to the whole point of what Christ was all about? And while you're at the King of Zembla's site, read what he found out about how the Dominionists think charity and mercy are bullshit as well. (On a much lighter note, Simbaud also presents this dandy Bloggers' Christmas poem.)