Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Hello to Feminist Blog Readers!

I just realized all my blog posts are now being automatically cross-posted to and syndicated by Feminist Blogs. Thanks, gals! Here's their Atom feed. I'll endeavor to try to increase my feminist content, but just to let new readers know I blog about pretty much whatever strikes my fancy at the moment so I'm not terribly a one-topic blogger I'm afraid. Today's feminist note is from a conversation I had with Dave yesterday about women involved in indie comics; he agreed with me that, at least from anecdotal observation, the independent comics field seems to be at about a 50/50 gender split at the moment. The mainstream US comics market (i.e., Marvel and DC and the few other companies that afford writers and artists a living wage) is still, of course, heavily male-dominated, which is why it amuses me when any of the few women who've made it seem surprised or angered at interviewers who ask them gender-specific questions. Frustrated, sure - how many times has the "but there are no female political bloggers" thing come up? (Answer: About every three months, pretty much like clockwork, since blogs began.) But surprised? Par for the course. Anyway, just as with What She Said, Feminist Blogs is sure to be a great visibility-booster. And given my "herstory" of working towards women's visibility, I'm all for that.