Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, October 02, 2004


Adrian Loudermilk e-mails me (and probably dozens of others) to say "I think your blog is just terrific." (I bet you say that to all the blogs, Adrian!) "We all know how important smart and informative blogs have become during this election and I’m writing in the hopes that you will let your readers know about our new BUSHISMS ON DVD. Al Franken and Brian Unger comment on over 50 of Dubya’s nucular-sized malapropisms. Doonesbury cartoons and music videos from the George W. Bush singers round out the DVD. On free 3 minute trailer which is definitely worth a look. Will you tell your readers about our DVD? It would really mean a lot. Also, if you’d like, we can link to your site." Consider it done. Robin laughed at the trailer which probably means we'll be getting it soon. (Do bloggers get free copies for promoting it?)