Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, September 27, 2004

Your Daily Daily Show Sighting, Daily

Thanks to Liz at BlondeSense for leading me to a very fun Newsday article (complete with cover picture!) on Jon Stewart and the "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book)." On a hunch, I took the liberty of downloading and reading the teeny-tiny type of the NY Is Book Country Panels and Stages PDF (if you're of A Certain Age you just need to remove your glasses and put your face right up against the paper), and found that the Daily Show writers will be participating in this 2-day festival coming up this weekend, appearing on a "Humor" panel at 3 PM on Saturday at the Kimmel Center for University Life. Which is not named for Jimmy Kimmel, and which I predict will be among their first jokes. Sayeth the equally teeny-tiny type on the Map and Directions PDF, "All indoor panel events listed in the center pullout calendar require tickets. When picking up tickets, ask for them by author and/or panel name." Tickets are free and can be picked up until this Wednesday at 5 PM at any of the four Borders locations in Manhattan (10 Columbus Circle, 461 Park Avenue, 550 Second Avenue or 100 Wall Street), which means I'm pretty well screwed outta seeing anything this weekend. Might as well go shopping at the Yonkers malls instead...