Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Big Apple Con Summary

We boarded the express bus about 3 PM, and it started raining again about 3:05. When we arrived at 34th Street I hit the K-Mart real quickly to buy new slippers and such, then into the Big Apple Con to say hi to various friends. We ran into Heidi MacDonald at the check-in table (it wouldn't be a NY show without Heidi!), where I thanked her for finally getting an RSS feed on her blog and reminded her that tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day, whereupon she decided to get some practice in right then and there... and for all I know she's still wandering somewhere around Manhattan talking like a pirate. We then scooted upstairs to chat with folks like Rod Ramos and Scott Roberts and, of course, the denizens of the House of Fun, Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer, who as many of you know is currently about six months along:

Doesn't she look radiant? Positively glowing - although maybe that was just the somewhat stifling room. After chatting some more with Scott and with Joe Rubinstein (who's breaking my heart by moving to California shortly), we escaped downstairs to watch Ken Gale interview Mike Netzer about his history in the business, various projects, and of course how comic book writers and artists are going to rule save the world:

That's them under the dueling beards, honest. For some odd reason Ken decided to put me on the spot, calling on me to describe Mike's website and art and writing, and the best response I could manage is that I found the art wonderfully psychedelic in a 21st century way and the writing a bit sideways for my usually-linear tastes. This may or may not have led to Mike's decision to spend the evening with his family rather than going out to dinner with me and Robin, but as he'll be in NY for awhile we promised to get together once the leaves start turning and we can ooh and ahh and, yes Cliff, perhaps finally start our collaboration on Megillat Vashti... I tried some experimentation on the way home with the digital camera, but the blurry moving-bus effects for which I was trying weren't artistic enough so I've tossed those shots. And I've finished my post in under the Pirate Deadline, avast!!