Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Under the Table

Hey cool, I didn't even realize I was on the list of 2004 Underbloggers (aka bloggers that Darren Rowse at Livingroom - who's also running an Olympics blog - and others thought were deserving of wider recognition) . Darren's got a good collection of tips on how to increase one's readership, but too many of them seem to be related to ads and making money, which I think is kinda silly for anyone who considers blogging a hobby rather than a business, but maybe for him it's more the latter. My tried-and-true tip is, if you're interesting enough and you post often enough (i.e., new content daily) folks will come 'round, and even with my truncated summer posting I'm still getting almost as many daily hits as I had hexaweekly INSIDE JOKE readers, all without spending one single cent (I'd lose at least $200 every six weeks publishing and mailing IJ in the '80s!). It's all dependent on one's definition of success and one's personal goals; mine were pretty much met within the first six months or so of starting this blog, which makes blogging-for-fun-and-hobby even more rewarding!