Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, August 16, 2004

Monday Barry Blogging

Just came back from a delightful evening spent with Barry Deutsch, aka Ampersand, proprietor of Alas, A Blog and acquaintance of some years past, when all we had was e-mail and rac*. Barry was in town visiting friends and appearing on Air America's Majority Report program, debating Megan McArdle about the wage gap (here's Barry's wage gap series on Alas). As he hadn't called at the appointed time, we weren't sure we'd meet up when we hopped the express bus down to the City, but we figured we'd wait until about 8 or so when the MR segment was over, and if we still hadn't gotten a peep we'd find a sushi restaurant in the vicinity of of Toity-Toid and Toid, where the stop was for the return trip.

We were just about to head into Ooka when my cell phone rang; Barry hadn't been able to get away until just then. I said, "You're in luck, we're only a couple blocks away and we haven't eaten yet." On our way to meet him I grabbed a menu from Grand Sichuan NY in the hopes that Chinese cuisine would be okay, which it was, and we had a lovely dinner, with Barry and Robin talking shop (insert mandatory plug for both Hereville, Barry's delightful comic strip, and Bloodhound, Robin's current inking assignment) and just general reminiscing.

Barry walked us back to the bus stop, where Robin snapped a picture with our cute new digital camera (yes, that's the Empire State Building in the background):

Mayhap I shouldn't have had the extremely spicy garlic sauce with my steamed chicken, beef, pork and tofu dish, then my hair wouldn't have been so matted down.

Then another relaxing ride back home via Third Avenue and whizzing up the Harlem River Drive, gorgeous at night (particularly passing the lights of Yankee Stadium across the river), and here you find me, happy and well-fed and grinning ear-to-ear at having gotten together with a good friend and fellow blogger. Now that's what I call a social life!