Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Blogchicks, Part Trois

[Parts One and Two were done a couple years ago.]

Normally, people with over 350 Bloglines subscriptions (and who also try to regularly read other blogs that don't have a working RSS feed) wouldn't be looking to add to that hefty a blogroll, but sometimes I just can't help myself. This past Thursday was Women's Equality Day - even the White House gave it lip service - and a lot of feminist bloggers talked about it but I was in the middle of a particularly difficult work week so I didn't. This left me a bit guilt-ridden so I made it a point to catch up on feminist blogs and seek out new ones, and so I was led to Shaula Evans' blog, tsuredzuregusa, where she had a great post about The Female Loop (as Roxanne is fond of noting, the subject of progressive female bloggers comes up every few months) which led me to some other great blogs. I've therefore blogrolled Andrea Eastman's Shameless Agitator (although that seems to have a feed problem too), Carla and Kevin's Preemptive Karma (note that Carla has also created the Progressive Feminist Web Ring, which I've also joined and placed on my sidebar), Cathie from Canada, Laura Rozen's War and Piece (on the strength of her work on the Washington Monthly article mentioned below), and group blogs C101 and des femmes. Now I have to go through my "Blogs in Waiting" list and see which ones I can move up...