Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Over and Down Under

Via Natalie Davis at All Facts and Opinions, a site called the Livingoom blog (which just celebrated its 1300th post) has an annual Underblog celebration, where readers can nominate up to five blogs that they wish more people knew about, a short reason why they like those blogs, and of course the appropriate link.  In response, Darren notes (and I found out via Moi) that the Flying Space Monkey Chronicles is having a Denigrating the Overblog contest, where readers are invited to "Put the names/URLs (max 5) of blogs in comments along with why you think they get too much traffic and we'll have a vote or a random drawing or I'll up and pick the top 20. The top 20winners losers, them, hehe, we'll all take them off our blogrolls and NEVER, EVER GO THERE AGAIN."  Them wacky Aussies!