Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Social Notes

Looks like I'll be taking the bus into work tomorrow (*sigh*), as it just makes more sense to take Metro North into Manhattan (40 minutes) for an evening event than to drive back home (half an hour) then hop a bus to the subway (an hour at least, all told). Tomorrow night we'll be at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art at MoCCA's benefit for Dave Cockrum, where I'll get to meet Cliff for the first time and see Robin's (and others') art for the Uncanny Dave Cockrum Tribute book on display. I was also considering schlepping into the city next Tuesday for the NYC Lefty Blogger Invitational but, from what MadKane tells me, Rocky Sullivan's is a fairly tiny bar and I don't do well in cramped quarters...