Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Still light blogging, and blog-reading, ahead. If you've done a post of which you're particularly proud and want to bring it to my (and Pen-Elayne readers') attention, please post the URL in the comments; I'm quite close to just marking Bloglines "all read" and moving on once I'm refreshed and have 'net access at work again (long story, but it probably won't be up in the new offices till Tuesday the earliest). Today was pretty much just collapsing exhaustedly 'round the house, though I did cook an English breakfast and plan to cook dinner as well. The big deal for us was finally hanging up Robin's mum's paintings in the living room, Alan's marriage present to us in the bedroom, and the mezuzah my parents gave me on the doorpost.