Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, May 10, 2004

More Changes

Blogger has changed its edit window again, which I don't really care for because it used to be a split window where you could read (and look up) your past posts in their entirety in the bottom window, and now I can't do it. I'm already aggravated at the absence of a calendar where I can just click on a specific day and reread all my posts. Now I only see the first few words of the opening sentence, which doesn't help me at all. And "Publish/Publish & Post" seems to have been changed to "Save as Draft/Publish Post." Bear with me while (in the middle of doing tons of other things both at home and at work) I get used to the new format (they seem to have their own comments section now, but I like Haloscan's so I'm not shifting that yet)...