Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, May 03, 2004

Back But Busy

Hey y'all, miss me? :) Let's have a nice round of virtual applause for guest blogger Hanan Levin, whose posts I can hardly wait to read (even though it looks like I'll have to 'cause I have a lot of catching up to do here at the office as well)!

Briefly: I was sick much of the weekend, a combination of tension and a bad reaction to that Indian dinner from Wednesday night, so I didn't get as much of the kitchen unpacked as I'd hoped. Robin did an amazing job figuring out where all the furniture worked best. His studio is set up in the alcove opposite the kitchen, the third bedroom will be the comics library (that gets unpacked last, which is kinda unfortunate as I suspect my bedside comics reading box is among the boxes I can't get to for awhile), and the second bedroom is the office/computer room. The computers are all set up and awaiting DSL activation later this week. Most of the important stuff is unpacked, but we have a very long way to go.

I took the express bus into Manhattan for the first time this morning; had I known it would be an hour and fifteen minutes (twice the time it takes by subway) I would have caught an earlier bus, which I'll do tomorrow. Even with the length, though, it's a much more pleasant commute than the subway (more comfortable seats, above ground all the way, etc.), and I look forward to getting into the rhythm of it for the next three weeks until the office move to New Rochelle. By which time I'll likely have a car, as Mom and Dad will start shopping this week; I told them how much I liked the Hyundai Elantra we rented so that's probably what they'll buy me. Things seem to be happening way too fast, but maybe they'll settle down by June. Back to work now!