Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Phun with Photomosaics

Photomosaics are making a comeback in the progressive blogosphere lately. First Joe Wezorak at American Leftist (whose permalinks are screwy at the moment, scroll down to Sunday, April 4) made this composite of our "War President" using photos of the American service men and women who have died in Iraq. "No photograph," says Joe, "is used more than three times." Then Wonkette decided to fetishize Ashcroft with a mosaic made up of porn pictures. And just yesterday, Tom Tomorrow noted the Ashcroft composite as well as the Bush Asshole Mosaic. Apparently there are people making a living from this, but you can also download free software from here or here to create your own. Here's a tutorial. Robin says this is his favorite photomosaic, and I agree that it's quite memorable.