Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, April 26, 2004

Light Blogging Ahead

Robin just finished a marathon ping-pong phone session with Verizon (i.e., the first person passed him onto someone else, who passed him on yet again, etc.) about our DSL. The target date they're giving us now for home DSL is May 6, which means I'll be without online access this coming weekend. We've decided to keep the computers at our soon-to-be-ex-apartment through Friday, the last day of the month when we officially need to clear out, and we'll pick them up in the rental car when we drop off our keys. So Hanan and/or Laura, feel free to jump in any time Thursday and Friday, but it looks at this point like I may only need a weekend blogger. Next Monday I can take care of a few blog things at work, but not too many because, as I've mentioned previously, our office is moving as well. They'll be keeping me hopping here, between new job duties and anticipated packing, and I expect my online leisure time to be severely limited, so I don't expect to be caught up on my blogroll again for at least a few more weeks. Apologies and congratulations in advance to everyone whose milestones (and wonderful blog entries!) I'll be missing during that time.

Update: Well, because it took Verizon so long to get our line working, they've cancelled our DSL order. That's right, it's their fault the line wasn't operational, so we pay the penalty. At this point we have no idea when we'll get online again from home after month's end. If anyone needs to get a hold of Robin by e-mail, please e-mail my Yahoo account (which I'll check weekdays from work) and I'll pass on the message. Stay tuned to this blog for further developments. Maybe I should have kept those AOL coasters after all...