Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Eleven More Days...

...until our Packing & Pizza Party (click sidebar for details)! Alas, not a single RSVP in my e-mail in-box yet. :( While I was learning new job skills today Rob had a weird new-apartment day, but you'll need to come to the party to hear the entire story, from the Great Key Mix-Up to Amy's Narrow Almost-Escape to the Dreaded Deadline Doom. I will mention that he met our new landlord for the first time and says he's real nice, they got along very well. As for the current place, our soon-to-be-ex-landlord (actually über-tenant) rep told me yesterday that we've been such good tenants (and we have) that they'll let us use our security deposit as our final month's rent; and the workers who'd left the windows open in the upstairs apartment on Saturday, leading to 2½ days of loud intermittent door banging every time the wind picked up (there always seems to be a reason to keep my earplugs handy in this place!), returned this afternoon and presumably will finally remedy that situation as soon as they leave. And once again I note how wonderful it'll be in a few short weeks to have nobody living above us...