Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, March 12, 2004

"Top Six" Mutual Admiration Society

[Second attempt at posting; Blogger's edit/publish function is wonky this morning...]

Further proof of the incestuousness (is that a word, or will Mark Kleiman come after me?) of the blogosphere, as Tom Tomorrow tips his hat to Wil Wheaton, in response to Wil complimenting This Modern World as a writing inspiration. Congratulations to both gentlemen, by the way, on the milestones mentioned in those two entries - Wil on the imminent publication of his new book, and Dan on his new house. I'm not sure which makes me more jealous. Probably the house, as I'm in a relocation mindset. Hey Dan, if it's a 2-family, are you looking for any tenants? :)