Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Liberal Coalition Blogaround

This'll probably be an all-day thing, as we have to take a second look in about an hour (I've started typing this at around 11:45 AM) at what we hope will be our new digs. It's also the first time I've done a blogaround since switching from my sidebar to Bloglines for my blogroll reading, so those LC members with no RSS feeds will probably be grouped toward the bottom. Incidentally, I'm finding out that some RSS feeds to Bloglines are better than others; so far I've had to put tick marks next to about 10 non-LC blogs out of my 183 subscriptions which apparently don't feed correctly (but to which I can still get via just clicking on their URLs), so I have to remember to check them daily even if Bloglines doesn't show any new entries for them. Still, that's like 5.46% so far, so not bad at all. Now I'll be checking to see how good the LC feeds are:
  • Alex Greenwood at Sooner Thought gives us Hypocrisy on Parade. I'm with him; I'm divorced as well (though still buds with my ex), but I don't go around judging other people's right to marry. Alex also notes that Jay Garner is among the Coalition of the Pissed.
  • My deepest condolences to David's parents on the loss of Pogo, as Amy notes on BlogAmY. And Pudge looks just like Datsa, which reminds me once more how lucky I am that my big boy beast is still with us. Also, David asks readers for their thoughts on the American Ideal. Lots more good stuff I'm not seeing on other blogs, worth a scroll down.
  • Andante at Collective Sigh practices the power of positive thinking, which I suppose applies to that 96-year-old woman about which she writes.
  • Bryant Gries (another 5.46 percenter) at Make me a Commentator! gives us some words from Arianna Huffington about personal responsibility, and does a nice mini-LC blogaround.
  • Charles2 at The Fulcrum reports that Bush is asking others to do his dirty work again, and also brings the sad news that pioneering MTV veejay J.J. Jackson has passed away, apparently of a heart attack. (Scott Baron at The Gamer's Nook also pays tribute to J.J.)
  • Chris Brown lets his "inner comic book mouse roar" as he attends and reports on the con that Robin and I were hoping to get to, before his work dwindled for awhile and the cat got sick needing twice daily medicine for the rest of his life and the rent got hiked so we needed to go apartment-shopping and, well, life getting in the way. Maybe next year! And another LC blogaround. Actually, two! I'd probably get mine done more quickly if I split them up...
  • Over at Corrente, Lambert has fun with haikus and decries the media for focusing on the wrong aspect of Bush administration lawbreaking.
  • Echidne of the Snakes discusses spring cleaning, which we'll be doing in a couple weeks in the form of throwing out everything we don't want to take with us when we move. Parting Party details to follow, for those of you in the NYC area. Oh, and yay, those tacky "piss in her mouth" urinals won't be installed at the Virgin lounge men's room at JFK after all.
  • Edwardpig is on the flipflops.
  • Eryk Salvaggio is going on a road trip - cool! Have I mentioned that we're hoping to get our first car this year? I'm hoping to hold out for a hybrid...
  • Speaking of driving, Guy Andrew Hall at Rook's Rant details the rules and regs of DUI in Minnesota.
  • HL Victoria at New World Blogger presents News around the third world and makes the political wonderfully personal.
  • Jeff at Speedkill has an interesting angle on tort reform.
  • Jesse at The Gotham City 13 tells us Colin Powell's nasty response to Arab journalists walking out on him after our troops killed two of their own, and Googles endorsements.
  • Jude Camwell at Iddybud reasons that the best way to get a message across is to keep it simple and direct.
  • It's not necessarily what Maru Soze (alas, yet another 5.46 percenter) at WTF Is It Now? covers, it's the way she covers it. It's all good. And the little pictures never fail to produce a smile.
  • Weren't we speaking of cars? MercuryX23 is as well, on his Fantabulous Blog, as he and his wife just got rid of their gas-guzzling SUV in favor of a Honda Civic hybrid! Good on ya, Mercury!
  • Michael at Musing's Musings discovers that the Nader for President headquarters has an unlisted telephone call and no visible office. Man of the people!
  • Moi on bloggg gives us more Feaky goodness, and discovers Lord of the Right Wing (my "Silly Site o' the Day" from December 17 '03).
  • Mustang Bobby of Bark Bark Woof Woof also picks up on the Nader thing, and does another dynamite Friday Follies LC blogaround.
  • Natalie Davis of All Facts and Opinions has been swamped with job-stuff lately but has a nice remembrance of Spaulding Gray.
  • Speaking of Fridays, at Happy Furry Puppy Story Time, Norbizness posts his Friday Bizarro! List (don't recognize the artist on Bizarro) and scares me with his anagrammatic talents.
  • NTodd Pritsky has changed his blog's name back to Doyihi Mir and gives us way too much cuteness of a boneless kitty. Also like the Bush Tai Chi move (is that to defend against the Rumsfeld Fighting Technique?).
  • Peter Shadzik at Kick the Leftist shakes his head again at the assholes' audacity and wonders what we're not being told about Pakistan. Also bad news regarding the portions at Red Lobster, a chain restaurant I really like. Seriously, that lobster bisque in the bread bowl was amazing.
  • Rivka at Respectful of Otters explains HIV prevention and long-term exposed seronegatives for the layperson and has some interesting thoughts about urban villages and how, um, bleached they look.
  • Steve Bates, the Yellow Doggerel Democrat, smells something in the air that oughtn't be there, and gives us a handy transcript excerpt from the Seven Dirty Words decision in honor of the FCC's latest jump backwards. Fuckers. Steve's also the best blog source to go to for complete coverage of the attempted Sierra Club takeover.
  • Steve Gilliard also throws some choice words at the FCC's new decision, and looks at political party fundraising in NYC. Also, a really creepy story about an Illinois Republican Senatorial candiate (scroll down to Crazy in Illinois).
  • I see where Susie Madrak totally agrees with me about Trish Wilson's wonderful post The "Invisible" Woman Blogger, but then of course I'm biased. As Susie notes, "Men aren't the only ones who get to decide what's important, and I'm pissed off by their attempt to frame the debate as if it's their inherent right to set the terms." Been there!
  • Lastly, upyernoz in his Rubber Hose updates his LC blogroll as well (I'm gonna wrap this up now, I'll tackle those LC'ers without RSS feeds another time) and makes a few points about the Spanish election.
    Whew! Yep, on and off this has taken me a good eight-hour day. Good job I don't do it all at once...