Datsa was feeling poorly again this week, limping about gingerly and throwing up two days straight and having litter box trouble and a sore bum again. Here he is before we took him to the vet (posted to my Buzznet homepage):

The vet broke up a bit of the large dried stool via external manipulation, administered KY Jelly you-don't-want-to-know-where, and he seems active again now (um, that would be Datsa, not the vet), even having done a bit in the litter box. We did learn a couple positive things - that we can probably skip giving him the medicine if we go away for a day, and that we shouldn't be administering the Cisapride (pill) and Lactulose ("jollop") simultaneously - so it was worth the $35 office visit. Besides, I charged it to Robin's card. :)
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