Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, November 14, 2003

Scrum, Scrum, Scrum, Scrum

Bob Harris, guest-blogging at Tom Tomorrow's weblog, has a nice entry up about the Rugby World Cup, with which I completely agree (particularly about hearing the South African anthem). We caught much of the New Zealand v South Africa match a few days ago. Much more interesting than American football, which is so stop-and-go and military-violence tactics and grotesque padding and stupid cheerleaders that it bores me to tears. Now rugby, on the other hand - I mean, come on, you gotta love a sport whose website features hair highlights. Between the hair and the shorts (yum!) and my husband (an occasional prop forward back in his school days) explaining the game to me as it progressed, I was utterly enthralled. Although the All Blacks' haka still kinda freaks me out. By the by, one interesting thing I've recently discovered whilst watching Premier League football is that, where the score is shown, the home team is listed first (either on the left or on top) rather than last (on the right or the bottom) as in American sports. It's one of those continental cultural differences I'd never seen mentioned before, and Robin admitted it took some getting used to when he first started watching baseball with me. (P.S. Sports-lover Bob's also been following the Kasparov-X3D Fritz chess match.)