I'll be uploading my weekly Datsa and Amy picture(s) when I get home, assuming Robin's got my GoLive! FTP connection up and running again, but in the meantime, via Anne Zook, it's Cat Bowling!
Update: Amy's Amazing Adventure
I had a photo up here but I've since taken it down to save for another time. Because, as I was going through my blogroll, Amy started playing around on the bookcases in the studio and Rob prompted me to snap her squeezing onto a shelf. Now, as I've mentioned in the past, we've almost a dozen bookcases loaded with comics, all in order (alphabetized by title and separated by company) for easy reference. And they look spiffy and help Robin do his job better and all that. And Amy likes slipping behind things. Unfortunately, the floors in this apartment all lean inwards, so unless the cases are wedged there's a bit of a gap on the top. You know where I'm going with this. Or rather, where Amy went. Up atop, then sliding behind, one of the bookcases. Where there's no way out because there are no gaps between them. And the further it leaned forward from her attempts to get out, the further down she slipped, and the more pressure there was on her.
I hope you never hear such caterwauling. My goodness, for a tiny thing she has a set of lungs on her! And I've never seen Robin move so fast. The case was much too heavy to shift by itself, he had to remove each stack of comics individually at near-lightning speed, shelf by shelf, taking care not to move the case lest it crush Amy behind it. The long and the short of it is, she's fine now, although a bit bruised and even looking a bit sheepish. We've stuck wedges under the cases to move them as flush against the wall as possible, comics are strewn (okay, stacked neatly in piles) all over the studio, a lot of dust has been kicked up, and between all that and the burst of exertion Robin's feeling rather poorly and has been hacking and coughing for the last 15 minutes. But Amy's alive and unharmed. That's the closest we'll ever come to having a kid fall down a well, and lord knows I never want to go through it again.

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