Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Another Kennedy Heard From

Yes, I watched the first half of The Kennedys: An American Experience this week (I couldn't deal with the second part, which story I figured I mostly knew because it took place during my lifetime and I can't not follow American royalty, I'm just that way), but this item is actually a sort of spiritual follow-up to the Ken Livingstone remarks about which I blogged on Monday. Via Susie Madrak, there's a fascinating interview up today at Salon with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (and my God but he looks like his dad in that picture!) regarding the Bush administration's "crimes against nature" and other subjects of interest. An excerpt:
I believe that George W. Bush is stealing my country, that he is absolutely stealing the environment from our children, stealing the breath from my children's lungs and stealing the Bill of Rights, selling off the sacred places, and trashing all the things I value about America. Our reputation across the globe, the love and admiration that other peoples and nations once had for America, the safety of our nation, the security of our children, the economy, the ability of our children to educate themselves for the future -- it's all being liquidated by this president for his wealthy friends and contributors. And I am so furious at this man for stealing the thing I love most, which is America, my country.
I now have a new favorite word: "biostitutes." And, Kennedy does touch on the topic of Ahnuld, in a fairly surprising way (at least to me). Plus, he likes Triple Delight with Scallions, too. :) You probably know the drill, you need to click through an ad to get a Free Day Pass, but hey, today's is sponsored by PBS' Great Performances presentation of the London stage production of Oklahoma, about which Natalie Davis has blogged, so I got to see the ad (le sigh, le pant) and, you know, it's Hugh Jackman so I'm so there (Saturday at 7 PM and 11 PM for me, check your local listings).