Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, October 02, 2003

The House at Clue Corner

No nibbles yet from any of the places where I've e-mailed my resume (reminder to readers: please contact me if you know someone in NYC who's looking to hire a damn good executive secretary), but the spam has started right on schedule. I must be really naive, because the one I got today suckered me in. I went to their website only to find out that, sure, I can "activate" my resume by putting it on their site, for the low low price of $97 for six whole months! Hey geniuses, could you kindly buy a clue and figure out that someone who's looking for work probably isn't going to have 97 bucks to waste in the first place, much less to throw at a company they've never heard of, headquartered in Utah (the nexus of all NYC job searches!), which can't guarantee they'll find you a job any more than the thousands of employment agencies right here in The City? I gotta wonder how many people fall for this crap.