Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Like Moths to a Plame

L'affaire Plame - i.e., the illegal and politically-motivated outing (by someone in the White House) of Joseph Wilson's wife Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA operative in order to smear Wilson after he said stuff the White House didn't want to hear (vis a vis no evidence of Iraq wanting to buy uranium from Niger) - is being admirably covered around the blogosphere. For more details see Atrios, Joshua Micah Marshall, Jeanne d'Orleans, Jeralyn Merritt, and lots of others on the blogroll. I recommend you start with Josh's interview with Wilson, then go to his blog as well as Atrios, who has just reported that the scandal has finally made the mainstream news. We're talking felonies at the highest level of government, folks. Not that it's surprising, but this is probably the most corrupt administration since Nixon. And it's quite possible that the blogosphere will produce the new Woodwards and Bernsteins on this one.