Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Excuse Math

White Rabbits! So I've been slipping these past few days in terms of putting in my time on the stationary bike, and covering up my lapses via creative workarounds. "Well, I did all that walking at the convention Saturday, then Sunday I was too exhausted, and then you know there's this, and I walked to Marvel and back this morning to deliver some pages for Robin so that's, let's see, ten blocks and four avenues... isn't that the equivalent of 15 minutes of pedalling?" And I'm fairly sure it's not. So by golly I'm going for it again this evening. If I'm not too tired, of course. :) Besides, I've been practicing reading a hardcover on the subway, and I think I've gotten to the point where I can hold this in my hands for 15 minutes whilst sitting on the bike (not to mention that I'm frustrated at not having managed to get past Chapter 1 yet!).